Upcoming Shows @ Gallery 901

For me, art is a passion, but far from my profession. I work as an Orthopaedic Physician Assistant and make art in my spare time. My focus is on printmaking techniques that include etching, linocut, woodcut, and chine-colle as well as abstract collage. The process of creating art is one way that I unwind from a busy week, bringing me a sense of relaxation and contentment. Therefore, it’s not surprising that I often draw inspiration from sources that serve to reinvigorate me; my travels and the natural world. I incorporate materials I’ve collected from across the world into my art, including natural paper, photographs, and Goshuin (seal stamps that are given at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan). These incorporations serve not only as a reminder of these places, but a memory of how I felt there. Growing up in Colorado, I am also keenly drawn to outdoor spaces and activities. As I run and hike in the mountains, forest preserves and even around my neighborhood, I often photograph trees, plants, sunsets and water and apply these images into my art-making.

The exhibit, A/SYMMETRY, explores the sense of balance, repetition, and contradiction that occurs in the natural world that I incorporate into my art. I explore how images can be presented very differently through color, technique, shape and paper. I invite viewers to find their own symmetry and asymmetry in the pairings and groupings presented in the exhibit.


Patrick M Palsgrove

Two pieces of art work that are collages with various tones of colour, overlapping layers of textured paper.
four square with complimentary colours