Partner with Us
We can make a difference together!
We would love to work with you to create a multi-session program that is uniquely suited to your participants. Our art-based programs can be adapted to a wide range of needs, ages and ability levels. Our open studio process meets people where they are and helps them access their emotions and promotes relationship-building among the group.
In-school artist residencies are led by our art therapists/teaching artists to guide students through weekly lessons using OSP’s own Art & Social Emotional Learning curriculum. All of the lessons are aligned with the Illinois Social and Emotional Learning Goals and the Illinois Visual Arts Standards.
During the “Into the Woods” lesson, students utilize found items from nature to create a sculptural landscape, exploring self-awareness, social awareness, and self-management skills.
We work with individual schools, Right at School and Y.O.U. to offer after school arts programming on site at your school. An art therapist/teaching artist will bring a variety of art materials each week so that students can explore different mediums and art processes.
After School Programs
Our after school programs allow for freedom of choice and expression within the parameters of provided materials. We aim to allow students artistic freedom and provide a safe space where they can fully be themselves.
High School Programs
High School drop-in programs and art therapy groups utilize our SEL & Art for High School & Mental Health Curriculum. These programs are aligned with the Grades 9-12 Illinois Social and Emotional Learning and Visual Arts Goals and Standards. Our facilitators will offer free-choice and project-based art experiences, which can be delivered in the classroom, during high school lunch periods, in after-school settings and as part of art therapy sessions.
In the Weaving Workshop: Imagine A Dream, students are asked to reflect on the following questions: Can I think about my weaving as a personal expression of the many threads of my life? Can I weave a concept of my dreams - education, work or other passions? Can I imagine my future?
Adult Programs
Adult partnership programs are adapted from our Art & Wellness workshops, which guide participants to set an intention, engage in uninhibited art making, witness writing, and, if one chooses to, sharing with the group. We have worked with diverse groups including people who are visually impaired, survivors of domestic violence, youth in a detention center, and people experiencing homelessness.
Please contact us at info@openstudioproject.org or 847-475-0390 so we can learn more about your group and discuss the best ways that we can serve you.