Our mission is to bring the transformative power of art directly to individuals for personal growth, social emotional learning and community well being.
Our Process
At its core, the creative process we use here at Open Studio Project consists of journaling, self-reflection, and art-making. We bookend creating art with two periods of self-reflection in the form of writing: intention setting and reflective witness writing.
Reflecting on whatever is in the forefront of your mind at this moment, and committing to a goal or action in response.
Creating artwork from a place of intuition and creative impulse, using any and all tools or materials that intrigue you or catch your attention.
Witness Writing
Sitting with the artwork you have created and simply witnessing it. Being present and observing the artwork, while writing anything that comes to mind. This can be a dialogue between yourself and the art, a stream-of-consciousness journaling, or even a poem.
Viewing the artwork of the other people in the room without judgment or comment, with the option of sharing some or all of your writing.
Through this process, our facilitators work from OSP’s guiding principles. These principles acknowledge that creativity exists in every person we encounter, and that intention-setting is a useful tool in guiding this creativity. They also serve as a reminder for the importance of curiosity and free artistic expression, emphasizing the positive effects of holding back comments and judgements toward others, as well as the connections between self-care and community care.

What’s happening @ OSP
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